Utah Alcohol Server Training

Utah Alcohol Server Training

What is the difference between Utah Alcohol Server Training and E.A.S.Y. Training?

There are two types of alcohol training for sellers and servers. The on-premises, otherwise known as Utah Alcohol Server Training, is for employees who serve alcohol for on-premises consumption. For example, in restaurants, clubs, hotels, and bars.

The Eliminate Alcohol Sales to Young (E.A.S.Y.) training is for sellers. Also known as off-premises, this course is required by employees selling alcohol for consumption off-premises. This course is suitable for employees working at convenience stores, liquor stores, grocery stores, gas stations, and others selling alcohol for consumption off the property.

Why choose BeverageTraining.com?

  • Leading online alcohol certification training provider.
  • Approved by the Utah Department of Human Services.
  • 100% online – no classroom attendance required.
  • Quick, simple, and convenient online Utah Server Permit Training.
  • Over 500,000+ certified nationwide. Get licensed today!
Course Name Hours Price Checkout
Learn2Serve Utah On-Premises Alcohol Seller/Server 3 $15.95 Enroll
Utah E.A.S.Y Off-Premise Certification 1 $15.95 Enroll
Utah TIPS Certification On-Premises 3 $40.00 Enroll
Utah TIPS Certification Off-Premises 3 $40.00 Enroll
Utah Food Handler 2 $21.95 Enroll
Tobacco Seller 2 $9.95 Enroll
ID Checkpoint 1 FREE Enroll

The on-premises training is for employees selling and serving alcoholic beverages in Restaurants, Bars, Clubs, Hotels, Breweries, and Events. Training is required within 30 days of employment and every 3 years thereafter.

The Utah E.A.S.Y off-premises certification is suitable for individuals employed at Gas Stations, Convenience Stores, Grocery Stores, and Liquor Shops. It is compulsory for employees who sell or are directly involved in the sale of beer. Training is required within 30 days of employment and every 5 years thereafter.

Course Description:

The Utah server permit course is designed to educate sellers and servers to understand and identify the rules and regulations in selling and consuming alcoholic beverages responsibly in the state of Utah. The objective of this training is to promote legal and preventive measures for alcohol seller and servers in order to eliminate possible liabilities, ensure the safety of customers and the public, promote the legal and responsible sale of alcohol and consumption, prevent underage drinking and recognize the signs of an intoxicated customer.

Regulated and approved by the Utah Department of Human Services.

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