RAMP Certification

PLCB RAMP Certification

The PLCB RAMP course is designed to educate sellers and servers to understand and identify the rules and regulations in selling and consuming alcoholic beverages responsibly in the state of Pennsylvania. The objective of this training is to promote legal and preventive measures for alcohol sellers and servers in order to eliminate possible liabilities, ensure the safety of customers and the public, promote the legal and responsible sale of alcohol and consumption, prevent underage drinking and recognize the signs of an intoxicated customer.



 Benefits to the licensee include:

  1. Possible liquor liability insurance discount.
  2. Well-trained alcohol service staff and management.
  3. Recognition as a responsible licensee in the community
  4. The chances of dram shop liability to reduce to a minimum.
  5. The licensee works with knowledgeable and ethical staff.

The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board regulates the selling, serving, and consumption of alcoholic beverages. RAMP certification is given to licensed premises after the successful completion of all five basic components. Only getting the owner/manager or server/seller training will not be enough to obtain RAMP certification. The components that are required for PLCB RAMP certification are as below:

  1. Owner/Manager Training

This component focuses on the training of those individuals who are responsible for the management of daily operations and policies. These individuals are generally the manager and the owner. In order to fulfill this component, an owner or the PLCB approved manger must complete this training program. According to Act 113 of 2011, it is mandatory for all the managers who are approved by PLCB to complete this training within 180 days of approval. This course can be completed either through online training or by attending classes that are offered by PLCB on a weekly basis.

  1. Server/Seller Training

This component is based on the training of staff who serve and sell alcoholic beverages. It is commonly known as alcohol seller server training. All members who serve or sell alcohol are considered part of this program including the owner and managers. It is necessary that 50% of the staff must have this training and this number must always be maintained under every situation. Upon the completion of the course, the participants need to clear an exam with 80% marks in order to attain the certification. Similar to the Owner/Manager Training, the Server/Seller Training can also be acquired either online or in a classroom.

  1. New Employee Orientation

It is important that orientation is provided to the current licensee’s service staff along with new members of the staff within 30 days. It is also necessary for the owners, managers and security personnel who sell or serve alcohol to fill this form. PLCB will provide the required orientation form and the related learning material. It is the responsibility of the licensee to make sure that either the owner or designated instructor attends the meeting.

  1. Signage

It is the responsibility of the licensee to post signs related to responsible alcohol service. Appropriate signage can be taken from PLCB, however, other signage can also be used given they are of the same size, number, and content. The signage must be easily visible to the public. The maintenance of signage is the responsibility of the licensee.

  1. Affidavit Request for RAMP Certification

After the completion of all the above components, the licensee needs to complete the affidavit request for RAMP certification. This request can also be completed online.



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